"A residual supra-national Council of Presidents can be retained to cover truly national issues like the nuclear deterrent and common defense in case of direct attack, the federal reserve and value of the dollar, and ensuring that people and goods can move freely across regional borders."
I suggest that you research the Articles of Confederation and learn the deficiencies that motivated the colonists to initiate the Constitutional Convention of 1787. I suspect that your proposed form on "national government" will have many similar deficiencies.
"The best available solution is to force reform on D.C. from the state level by calling an Article V Constitutional Convention to debate adopting a simply-worded Amendment that breaks up the federal government into regional groups each with their own devolved federal government."
Please provide a link to a draft of your proposed "simply-worded Amendment".
"There are currently 38 states with trifecta governments — the same party controls the state legislature, senate, and governor’s office. Almost 80% of Americans live in a trifecta state."
"state legislature" is defined as the legislative body of any of the 50 states. All states except Nebraska have a bicameral legislature - two separate legislative chambers or houses. In your statement "legislature" should be replaced with "house" to be correct.