“The minimum wage should be indexed based on the ‘cost of living’ data that the federal government already keeps for every county in America.”
All states except Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Tennessee have an established minimum wage. Many metropolitan areas have established there own minimum wage based on cost of living and other local factors. The federal government should not infringe on the rights of the states by mandating a national minimum wage. I was unable to obtain readily available data with your cost of living data link. I found another useful cost of living data from MIT that was updated 12/30/2018 but still using some 2017 and 2016 data.
“One could argue that indexing based on the cost of living isn’t necessary because state and local governments could pass higher minimum wages. The problem is, the state and local governments usually do not make these adjustments as needed.”
When states mandate a minimum wage that exceeds the market rate how is that resolved? Do the states threaten employers with penalties which may result in business closure or do they make up the difference with social programs? States often entice corporations with tax reductions and site improvements to increase state employment. Unlike the federal government, states can’t spend more than the revenue they collect.
‘Free daycare is necessary because some Americans cannot afford to work due to the costs associated with daycare.”
Raising children is a parental responsibility that requires extensive personal interaction between parent and child that establishes a lifelong bond. Orphans lack that bond thru no fault of their own. Too many children today are “raised” by daycare employees, nannies and schools. There is not enough “quality time” devoted to family interaction. Even when a family is physically together, members are too often distracted with electronic devices.
“The federal living wage policy will ensure that every worker earns enough money to live a comfortable life.”
I doubt that your proposal will result in every worker earning enough money to live a comfortable life. The meaning of earning is significantly different than that of entitled. While it is desirable that all Americans have the opportunity to live a comfortable life, I disagree that all are entitled to one.
“This policy would be structured in such a way as to not place an undue burden on the employers and the consumers.”
Does that mean the burden is on the federal government? If so, the increased cost is funded by increased taxes or increased debt.