Publius Patriota
2 min readJul 4, 2019

America the Beautiful?

An American patriotic and inspiring song that is popular around Independence Day is America the Beautiful. I especially enjoy the video of same performed by the Hillsdale College Choir. The lyrics were written by Colorado College English teacher Katharine Lee Bates in the summer of 1893 after an inspiring visit to nearby Pikes Peak.

While many Americans know the first verse, very few know — or are even aware of — the second thru fourth verses. All verses contain an appeal to God and acclamations of American prosperity and/or resources. It is interesting to compare America today with that so eloquently expressed in 1893.

From verse one:

“America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea.”

Church attendance and membership continues to decline in America and the application of secularism is becoming so popular that it is now infringing on religious freedom. The pride of individual independence is transitioning to self righteousness. Brotherhood is degrading to intolerance and incivility.

From verse two:

“America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.”

Self control is being replaced with road rage, bullying, personal attacks via social media and public physical confrontations in lieu of civil discussion. Even our elected officials are relying more on personal attacks via the news media (sensationalism) rather than utilizing logic and reason to win support for a cause. The legal protection of the liberties of all are being violated by the tyranny of the majority.

From verse three:

“America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And ev’ry gain divine.”

Many American corporations, businesses and individuals seem to be primarily motivated by greed. The typical corporation has a board of directors that manage to maximize profits. If they don’t, shareholders can sue them for negligence. We need more businesses that are employee owned, worker cooperatives, benefit or non-profit corporations that focus on humanitarianism and environmentalism. Individuals who have been highly successful and become wealthy should establish a legacy of good will thru philanthropy.

From verse four:

“Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears!”

American major cities are beginning to resemble those of third-world countries. Residents who can no longer afford the rapidly increasing rent are living in shelters or in the streets. Aggressive profit motivated development have resulted in eminent domain condemnation of older, inexpensive homes (gentrification) forcing residents to sell without hope of purchasing a replacement. The presence of garbage, trash, and human excrement and urine on sidewalks and vacant lots is a rapidly increasing health hazard.

If during this patriotic celebration of our American independence you are experiencing good fortune then count your blessings! If not, pray that others will exercise their brotherhood to improve your situation via charitable, constructive and civil methods. All should strive to make American beautiful again!

Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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