Publius Patriota
1 min readNov 27, 2021


"As time has passed, more and more powers have accrued to the Federal government as it has twisted almost any issue to be within its jurisdiction, even though it crystal clear, that the Founding Fathers intended that the Federal government has limited powers and the sense is that definition of “limited” was to be broadly interpreted and rather than the broad interpretation of its powers historically asserted by the Federal government."

The Federal government continues to encroach on the rights of the states and the people. Congress passes laws with little regard for their constitutionality. It is the duty of the various state attorneys general to challenge such laws in the courts. But many fail to do so. States' cooperation is bought off with federal funding. The Constitution should be interpreted based on the meanings of the words at the time it was written. But many liberal appellate court justices expand the meaning to reflect current trends. Their decisions set precedents for future decisions. The process continues until decisions no longer reflect the original intent of the Constitution.

