Publius Patriota
1 min readMay 20, 2019


“We’re changing the goals of our society. We want to switch the goal from making profit to living sustainably.”

Generally, corporations in America are all for-profit or “C” corporations. Directors are obligated to maximize profit or they may be sued by share holders for negligence. These are the capitalist corporations typically derided by environmentalists and humanitarians because many act without regard to impact to the planet. However, thirty-five states allow the incorporation of benefit or “B” corporations that give directors and officers of mission-driven businesses the legal protection to pursue an additional mission and consider additional stakeholders. Patagonia is an example of a benefit corporation.

A worker cooperative is another type of business organization that is not just profit motivated. Some bakeries, breweries and home care providers are examples of American worker cooperatives.

Either of the above business models allow profit making while being conducive to minimizing environmental and humanitarian impact while increasing sustainable living.



Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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