I am appalled that with current technology an alternative to lethal injection, electrocution, and firing squad for executing prisoners is beyond the capability of the Governor's office of multiple states and the penal system. While I am not an advocate of the death penalty, if it is to be implemented it should be done expeditiously while avoiding pain and anxiety.
Most any aircrew member who has experienced altitude chamber training to recognize symptoms of high-altitude hypoxia could propose a method of execution based on past experience. Many years ago as combat crew member, I volunteered and was selected to demonstrate to other crew members my hypoxia symptoms due to breathing simulated high-altitude atmosphere while not utilizing supplemental oxygen provided by a mask. I experienced no anxiety because there was no feeling of restricted breathing or shortness of breath. In just a couple of minutes I became euphoric - similar to a "runners high" but without the intense exercise - as I began to lapse into unconsciousness. I was told by the instructor to reinstall my oxygen mask but at that point I could not grasp the importance of the command. Fortunately, the crew member sitting next to me in the altitude chamber reinstalled my mask and I quickly recovered. If I were sentenced to death for a committed crime, with no hesitation the method of my first choice would be death by hypobaric hypoxia.
Below is a link to an article proposing hypobaric hypoxia as an alternative to Alabama's electrocution and lethal injection methods. Please give John Carson and Colonel Vaccaro credit for the idea proposed in 2016.