“Michigan congressman Justin Amash announced that he was leaving the Republican Party to become an independent.”
I am convinced it is easier, faster and less expensive to alter the platform of one of the major parties than it is to establish a competing third-party with a desirable platform. Mr. Trump successfully campaigned as a Republican even though in the past he has been a member of the Democratic and Reform parties. Declared socialist Senator Sanders was elected as an Independent but campaigned for POTUS as a Democrat. State ballot access requirements for a slate of duopoly candidates are much less stringent than for a new political party.
“Having come to the conclusion that the political system operated more like a traditional industry than a public institution”
Our elected representatives in Congress have to “pay to play”. Each must raise money for their political party in order to be assigned to a committee. The more important the committee, the more money the member must raise. Those who vote according to their constituents when it conflicts with party policy are “shunned”.
“[I]t turns out that our political parties work well together in one particular area, and that is actually colluding together over time behind the scenes to create rules and practices that essentially erect barriers to entry, ways to keep out new competition”
If a third-party appears to be gaining support because of a platform plank the competing major party will adopt the plank in its platform and then after winning not implement it.
“First up are nonpartisan, single-ballot primaries, a reform already initiated by states such as California.”
Except for the POTUS primary, California has a nonpartisan top two primary election. The top two primary winners (both Democrats for the foreseeable future) advance to the general election. Since write-in voting is no longer authorized in the general election, the winner will always have the majority vote. Because of the time period between the primary and general election I prefer that write-in voting be allowed.
“Ranked-choice voting is another reform Porter and Gehl favor, because it also encourages candidates to appeal to a broader range of voters.”
I also favor RCV and prefer it to the top two primary.
“In that vein, Gehl and Porter have proposed, for example, that the government match donations from small donors.”
I disagree and would probably challenge the practice at the federal level as being unconstitutional.
“And I think the younger generation, you know, millennials are particularly outraged and concerned and open to all kinds of new ideas.”
Unfortunately, the vocal members of the younger generation seem to be fond of welfare programs and tyranny of the minority by the majority.