Publius Patriota
2 min readJan 30, 2020


“The problem with people not voting lies in the registration system.”

I disagree. Many potential voters believe that even if they were to vote nothing would change. Most Republicans in Congress have demonstrated an affinity for deficit spending and expansion of the federal government just like the Democrats. Many members of Congress vote according to their party’s wishes instead of what is desired by their electorate. Most members of Congress don’t even consider if the bills they are voting on are constitutional. Also, voting by many is considered a patriotic duty and patriotism in this country seems to be a low priority.

“Letting prisoners vote would expand that number to about 8.5 million.”

In my opinion persons convicted of a felony should lose their voting privileges until they have served their sentence — including parole time — or the felon is pardoned.

“Moving election day to a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday would help, as would making Election Day a Federal Holiday.”

Most holidays are observed on a Monday or Friday to make a three day weekend allowing people to travel out of town. Holding elections on holidays would require paying poll workers overtime. I doubt that holiday elections would increase participation but would increase the cost. Polls are usually open from early morning to late evening giving individuals an opportunity to vote before or after work. Some employers even give employees paid time off to vote.

“It’d require many politicians to vote against their interests, and would be a major expansion of federal power over voting.”

Please explain this.

“Another reform that has made voter participation increase is the option to vote by mail.”

Residents of Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington will vote entirely by mail in 2020. The convenience should increase participation but it also increases the cost and complexity of processing equipment while delaying election results. Also, mailed ballots could be damaged or lost in the postal system. However, I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.



Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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