“That means poorer immigrants will be far less likely to receive green cards or be admitted to the United States under the new rule, which goes into effect in October.”
I recently reviewed a list of twenty desirable countries for American retirees to move to. The majority of the countries required some proof of income such as Social Security, pensions, annuities, etc. and the income minimum was at least $1,000 per month per person. Countries providing desirable healthcare programs had greater income minimums. We should recognize that poor immigrants with little opportunity to gain wealth thru employment will be a financial drain on taxpayers.
“When you have a raid, that scares unauthorized immigrants in other industries, and makes them more vulnerable to wage theft and other exploitation,” Capp says. “And that increases the economic incentives for employers to rely on undocumented workers and undercuts wages and other working conditions for everyone.”
Illegal immigrants with no legal right to be in the U.S. are targets for all kinds of abuse. This is adequate justification for enforcing immigration laws. Companies employing illegal immigrants should be prosecuted according to the full extent of the law. Domestic manufacturers paying fair labor benefits can’t compete with “sweat shop” manufacturers in other countries. We should not allow “sweat shops” in our own country.
“Many economists note that the United States needs immigrants because we need more people — more people to grow the population and the economy, more people paying into our Social Security system to keep it afloat.”
A recent article by the Washington Post identifies the extreme shortage of care givers in Maine which will be prevalent in fifteen other states by 2026. We need more young people employed as care givers so the elderly and impaired can remain in their homes.
When I was growing up in California migrant workers from Mexico willing to perform hard work in the heat of the summer at relatively low wages would harvest crops. Now that I live in the Southeast I notice that roofers, yard care personnel, and lower skilled construction workers are predominately Hispanic. These jobs used to be performed by a significant percentage of young people. What happened to the young people?
Needing more people paying in Social Security is not just because people are living longer. If insurance companies or pension providers were mismanaged as negligently as Social Security they would be legally prosecuted for conducting Ponzi schemes.
“If, for example, automation and technology do dramatically decrease the demand for workers, which has not yet happened on a large scale, then the economic effects of slower or negative population growth will be less dire.”
In order to prevent world wide thirst, hunger, and other forms of misery we must balance available resources with consumption. At some point the population must stop increasing to prevent calamity. The industrialization of agriculture has increased food production, decreased the cost of food, and allowed former farming personnel to participate in other activities. We need to focus on replacing a pyramid based society with a rectangular based society. Automation is a key factor in achieving a rectangular based society.