“In America’s two-party system, you pick who will misrepresent you the least. You’re given the option between the candidate who is diametrically opposed to what you believe in and one who will, at best, feebly work toward an agenda that vaguely aligns with yours.”
If we implemented ranked choice voting we could vote our conscience as our first choice and the lesser of two evils as our second choice. That would be a simple and effective way to register our preference for a third party candidate and a dissatisfaction with the duopoly candidates.
Like you, I live in a “solid red” state so how — or if — I vote has little impact on determining the winner. However, I have voted in every presidential election in the last 50 years and almost every general election. I encourage every eligible citizen to vote knowledgeably even if their vote cancels my vote. I wish more people would vote but as you state it takes some effort. Oregon requires votes to be cast by mail and I think that is a good thing if voter fraud can be adequately prevented.
When registering to vote in my state party affiliation is not recorded and the duopoly primaries are open. Since there is no creditable challenger to Mr. Trump’s nomination I will vote in the Democratic Party Presidential primary. I will select the Democratic candidate who best agrees with my originalist constitutionalist values. Obviously, it will not be Senator Sanders. Some Republicans will also vote in the Democratic primary but will select the candidate least able to defeat Mr. Trump.