"In service of advancing the party, people have demonstrated that they are fine with abandoning all of the actual policy principles that the party has historically stood for."
An example of the above is the RNC deciding not to adopt a 2020 platform. Instead, it proclaimed it would "continue to enthusiastically support the President's America-first agenda." And this, even though Donald Trump - former Democratic Party member, former Reform Party candidate for president - is in my opinion an individual lacking in principles and knowledge of the U. S. Constitution.
"What makes all of this even more troubling is that I don’t see the solution. We’re never going to ban parties, and the gravitational pull of modern politics is only going to suck us into a party-dominated political culture even more . . ."
The 1st Amendment right of the people to peaceably assemble should prevent the banning of political parties. I am convinced that replacing single member districts with larger, multi-member districts and filling the seats via proportional representation will force cooperation and compromise among the parties while reducing animosity.