It would be irresponsible to build more nuclear power plants until there is a functional nuclear waste disposal process. The federal government spent billions of dollars researching how to compact, prepare, transport and permanently store the waste from nuclear power plants. One of Mr. Trump’s articles of impeachment was obstructing Congress for defying subpoenas issued by the House of Representatives. And yet Mr. Obama defied the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of Congress to trade its implementation for support from Senator Reid to pass the Affordable Care Act with no impunity.
“We not only have to stop climate change but reverse it, he argues — and the only way to do so is by doubling down on nuclear energy.”
Wind and solar provide intermittent electrical energy. If fossil fuel generated electricity is eliminated that leaves nuclear, hydro and thermal until new technologies are implemented. Hydroelectric power has very limited growth potential. Economical thermal sources are rare. The rush to shift from petroleum based vehicles to electric is absurd if there is no corresponding electrical generating growth potential.
“Kugelmass has become obsessed with pushing the idea that nuclear power — in a revamped, cheaper form — is the answer to our environmental woes.”
Nuclear power plant implementation in this country has been plagued with cost overruns and schedule delays due to unique design and site requirements. The construction of Units 3 and 4 at the Vogtle Generating Plant in Waynesboro, GA is typical of most plants that have been built in the U.S. There have been significant cost overruns and construction delays even though the basic design (AP1000) was not new. A modest size, standardized design that could be replicated to meet site specific required generation capacity (MW) would decrease the regulation reviews and approval process, decrease the construction time, cost and risk, and increase the maintainability.