I’ve read two of your previous stories: Reform over Revolution and Owning Government. I’ve also reviewed your MYO Democracy website. I think that you have accurately identified some significant issues resulting in dissatisfaction with representative democracy (constitutional republic) and max-profit motivated capitalism.
“To overcome these systemic issues, we need a “collaborative” Democratic system that focuses on global solutions to global problems. One that encompasses the entire global economy with aspects of both social and private capital that are continuously reviewed and adjusted as our social needs change.”
I disagree that the world in general is prepared for a collaborative Democratic system. This erroneous assumption was made by former President George W. Bush when he called for the spread of democracy across the Middle East. Apparently he didn’t realize that there is a vast cultural difference between the educated people in “western” nations and the uneducated people dominated by feudal war lords. Some countries today are predominately composed of people who can’t read or write and have no common language for communication. People who are starving, have no medical care, and no local self governmental structure are unlikely to aspire toward a representative democracy.
I oppose any so called “New World Order” with an international organization that has authority over sovereign nations. Such an organization provides an opportunity for individuals seeking power to infringe on the liberties of others. The Founders of the U.S. Constitution realized the human nature of some to abuse their power and attempted to prevent such abuse by establishing a constitutional republic.
“Based on my own experience in repairing and replacing various systems for both government and private organisations, it’s surprising how often replacing is arguably the better option.”
Replacing may be the better option if the functions and interfaces of the system are fully defined. A political system is dependent upon the actions of people which are difficult to accurately predict.
“With the advances in technology that Capitalism has brought us, we are increasing our collective capability to reattempt Direct Democracy.”
Technology advances allow convenient and rapid access to information, to express opinions and to vote. However, they have not significantly improved the ability to compromise and reach a consensus on an issue. In my opinion, people are more apt to be abusive when communicating via social media than in person. Also, as the number of people involved in an issue increase, the more difficult it is to reach a consensus.
By the way, I prefer the preferential (ranked choice) voting method utilized in Australia for the past century over the single choice method utilized here in the U.S.