“machines produce basic goods, and anyone whose labor isn’t needed receives a “sufficient, unconditional, and continuous” basic income that frees them up for more fulfilling activities.”
The logic of the above statement is seriously flawed and reminds me of the early 1960s TV cartoon show “The Jetsons”. There must be a source for a universal basic income. Do the unemployed wage earners expect to be indefinite parasites living off the surplus of the productive individuals and businesses? Americans have proven to be some of the most generous people in the world helping the sick, poor and victims of tragedy. However, it is unrealistic to expect them to be content with receiving continuously decreasing rewards for their efforts due to supporting a continuously increasing nonproductive workforce. Only the highly religious would accept the burden but atheism continues to increase in America. Its ironic that Marx wrote that religion is the opium of the people but religion is essential to suppress the human instinct to receive reward for talent, initiative and hard work.