Publius Patriota
1 min readFeb 26, 2020


My parents and my grandparents never attended college. I became interested in electronics (amateur radio) at a young age and by the time I started high school was motivated to pursue a degree in electrical engineering. Working part time as a grocery clerk while attending a state college as a resident I was able to pay my way and graduate.

Some of my male high school friends went to college not having any specific objective and to avoid being drafted to fight in Viet Nam. Many who were unable to avoid the draft attended college after fulfilling their military obligation and used the GI Bill to help pay their way. Having experienced “tough times” they were more motivated to excel and graduate compared to those who were just attending college to participate in social activities.

Some of my female high school friends also attended college to participate in social activities and to meet potential husbands with greater than average future incomes. These ladies had no valid educational achievement goals.

In my opinion college students perform better academically if they have a specific post college occupational goal. However, a college degree may not be appropriate for every occupational goal. For many occupations attending less expensive trade schools may be appropriate. It is important that young people be exposed to many of the vast array of work opportunities (disciplines) prior to high school graduation so they can choose their career path wisely.



Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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