“In about 60% of jobs, about a third of the tasks involved can be automated, which means that less than 5% of jobs could be fully automated.”
One third of 60% would be 20%, not 5%.
“There are three main challenges in space mining: cost, identification of suitable asteroids for potential mining, and the problems of extraction.”
As I recall most of the fossil fuel resources on earth have been discovered and the supply is dwindling. Asteroids may contain precious metals worthy of mining but I doubt they contain fuel resources. I don’t know the availability of solid propellants but I know they are less powerful than liquid propellants and more difficult to control. If commercial space mining is ever established it will be short lived without a rocket fuel source.
“So populist far-left parties would propose this future, and we could vote for it. They’d propose that worker-owned businesses and cooperatives would be favored over multinationals.”
I’m definitely not a member of a far-left party but I do advocate a voluntary shift from max-profit motivated corporations to worker-owned businesses and cooperatives, and benefit and non-profit corporations.
“We need to look for solutions to our global problems with the technologies we have today, and Fully Automated Luxury Communism cannot offer us anything but an illusory utopia.”
I totally agree!