Publius Patriota
1 min readSep 16, 2021


"Polls show there are more people who identify as Independents, yet nobody has been able to make to make much of a dent in the two-party armor."

The above statement is often made but fails to realize that independents do not have common political beliefs. They vote for the individual - not the party - that they associate with.

While Ross Perot in 1992 had a strong showing he did not significantly impact the outcome of the election because he pulled a comparable number of votes from the Democratic and Republican Parties.

Mr. Yang is naive if he things he can form a third party that will be competitive with the duopoly in the next decade as long as single choice plurality voting is the norm. Without changing the voting system the only chance of a new competitive party is if one of the duopoly should split. The winner in the split would then become the second member of the duopoly.

To improve representative democracy in our country, Mr. Yang should focus on improving our election system.



Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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