“It’s a warning that no matter the level of immediacy of the crisis, we must remember to cherish our constitutional processes. We must hold sacred the finely tuned checks and balances of federalism. The rights and liberties afforded by this country are only as strong as the form of government we have in place to protect them.”
The lack of enforcement of constitutional checks and balances is a result of partisan politics. President Obama should have been impeached for obstruction of justice when he defied the Nuclear Waste Policy Act to get Senator Reid’s vote for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. President Trump should have been impeached for authorizing the launch of cruise missiles against Syria without approval of Congress. If he is eventually impeached the real reason is because he won the election against Hillary Clinton.
Congress continues to ignore usurpations of power by the executive and judicial branches. When progressive justices of the Supreme Court usurp their constitutional power by creating legislation via judicial rulings, Congress fails to exercise its authority to pass legislation deeming such rulings as exceptions to appellate jurisdiction IAW Article III, Section 2. Most members of Congress have apparently forgotten they were elected to represent the interests of their congressional district instead of the interests of their political party.
“It’s time for Americans to reacquaint themselves with the ideas of balanced and constant constitutional governance.”
Too many American citizens are assuming the role of peasants in a feudalistic society. They look to the federal government as their feudal lord who protects them from invaders and provides them what they need to survive. Our government established by the Constitution is a republic that requires knowledge and participation of citizens in order to survive. When our elected representatives fail to honor their oath of office we need to be aware of their negligence and notify them we will not tolerate it. Acting as a responsible, civic minded voter requires more than just picking a party that dictates voting preference.