Publius Patriota
2 min readSep 21, 2019


“the closest we came to dynamic policy was when one party completely dismantled policies introduced by another party when they come into power. Policies didn’t evolve. It was over-correction, in all its unstable, reactionary glory.”

The reliability/vulnerability of business investments rely on a predictable financial environment. Major corporations lobby for legislation that protects their investments. Long term stability in the financial environment due to well defined dynamic and agile policies is beneficial to long term investment by business.

“Today, there is a big difference between Median net worth and Mean net worth in the developed world. . . A more symmetric distribution is the goal.”

Net worth is the result of the ability to accumulate wealth over a period of time. I prefer a policy that evaluates the ability to accumulate wealth instead of equalizing the median and mean net worth. For example, a policy might consider cost of living vs income for various economic classes and provide incentives to increase low cost housing in high cost areas. Algorithmic agile policies that are dependent upon government funded incentives should incorporate variables for funding priority and current national budget surplus/deficit. Otherwise these agile policies will just be additional unfunded mandates increasing the national debt.

“The whole point of a meritocracy is fair competition. No head starts, no winner takes all and keeps all. The point of meritocracy is that contribution to the greater good gets rewarded.”

According to Wikipedia “Meritocracy is a political system in which economic goods and/or political power are vested in individual people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class. Advancement in such a system is based on performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated achievement.” At first glance meritocracy seems very compatible with our constitutional republic. I intend to research it further.



Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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