
There are numerous political parties in the U.S.A that represent diverse political ideals. The main reason the majority of voters feel unrepresented is all but two political parties - the duopoly - are basically irrelevant at the statewide and national levels. Replacing single seat House congressional districts with proportional representation larger multi-seat districts is a possible solution but would require an act of Congress. It is unlikely either the Democratic or Republican party would be willing to decrease potential control of Congress. Replacing single choice plurality voting with ranked choice voting at all election levels would allow state residents to vote their conscience without "wasting their vote" or helping to elect the "greater of two evils" resulting in the increased viability of third party and independent candidates. If states would implement proportional allocation of POTUS electoral votes instead of winner takes all the outcome would be more fair.



Publius Patriota
Publius Patriota

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