“These are questions of economic optimization best determined by careful analysis. These are not questions for political demagoguery.”
There rarely are simple solutions for complex issues. The U.S. Constitution identifies three levels of “government”: federal; state; and by the people. It will be difficult to “increase the level of socialism” at the federal level without infringing on the rights of the state and the people. Unfortunately, there is little incentive for the federal government to administer a program efficiently. There is no profit incentive to reduce costs. In the past I was employed for several years by the Civil Service. I observed a preponderance of “empire building” that was used to justify a manager’s grade level increase (promotion). The only highly efficient federal program I am aware of is the Thrift Savings Plan that is a retirement savings and investment plan for federal employees and members of the uniformed services. I was also a defense contractor for many years and firmly believe that all federal programs should be administered by federal employees but performed by contractors.