“While America started as one of the most egalitarian places in the annals of history, there has been a slow decline in equality as we have seen the increase in our economy, and the people feel the suction from their energy being siphoned up.”
This is a major source of dissatisfaction with the low and middle class. They don’t expect to achieve economic equality with the wealthy but they do expect to improve their standard of living. Otherwise they will lose their motivation and self worth. As the upward mobility continues to decrease the frustration will escalate and will eventually result in civil unrest and social instability.
“Our task for the economy we are creating will be to use our resources to empower the entirety of the population, and not merely to let it be siphoned it up by those who suck the hardest.”
I advocate that American businesses shift their emphasis from max-profit corporations to employee owned businesses and worker cooperatives that include consideration of the plight of the workers. I also advocate for the expansion of unions to negotiate improved employee benefits from max-profit corporations.