"To allow this to happen the electoral system needs to change from plurality voting to Rank Choice Voting for the House of Representatives and the Senate which will now have six senators per state instead of two and be elected by Single Transferable Vote. This model is used in Australia with the upper house the Senate elected by proportional representation and Instant Runoff voting for the lower house or the House of Representatives. Also let's haveRank Choice Voting for the President instead of the electoral college which should be gone away with."
I disagree. Ranked choice voting will allow citizens to vote their conscience but not eliminate the divisiveness between the major parties. Congress should repeal the 1967 single member congressional district mandate so states can implement multi-member districts and fill the seats via proportional representation. Changing the number of senators per state from two to six requires an amendment to the Constitution which is unlikely to ever pass. The Electoral College can be fixed by the states: http://fairelectionadvocates.org/index.php/campaigns/campaign-menu