Unfortunately, much of what you’ve written is the reality of the current political system. Third parties must focus on building from the bottom (local level) up (national). Third parties have very limited financial resources and a relatively small number of members when compared to the two major parties. Achieving and maintaining political party recognition in many states consumes the majority of third party resources leaving little to support candidates’ campaigns. A winning POTUS candidate requires ballot access in states representing at least 270 electoral votes. Otherwise, the individual is not even a viable candidate.
However, presidential campaigns receive much greater publicity than any other campaigns. They are an opportunity for third parties to receive media coverage at no expense. Votes cast for a third party POTUS candidate demonstrate support for that candidate’s principles and can influence the major parties.
The states need to implement rank choice voting for the POTUS so a citizen can vote his/her conscience as first choice and vote the lesser of two evils as the second choice. That way the vote would not be “wasted”.