"When elections happen, and a candidate no one likes wins the election, the people swarm the third-party voter and say it’s their fault the favorite candidate didn’t win."
The plurality voting method promotes the evolution of two major parties. There's a link to a video that explains the evolution at fairelectionadvocates.org
"Most of the time, the Electoral votes stand with the popular votes, but there are times when it doesn’t. That’s when the third-party hate is at its fiercest."
If most states would allocate their EC votes like Maine and Nebraska - two votes to the statewide winner and one vote to each congressional district winner - the total EC votes would stand with the popular vote total.
"I don’t see voting third party as a form of privilege. I see it as more of a vote of defiance when two political parties are screaming at you to fall in line."
Only residents of a swing state should be concerned about not voting their conscience. Implementing ranked choice voting would allow all to vote their conscience rather than selecting the lesser of two evils.